Initiate Rather Than Avoid Difficult Conversations: A Communication and Leadership Reminder
Have you ever encountered a word with a different meaning than you expected? Here’s one, “noisome.” I had to look it up. It means having an extremely offensive smell. Or how about “inflammable?” It evokes an image of not being flammable.

Public Speak Confidently: The PRO Approach
Melinda was presenting on workers’ compensation. A subject I knew a lot about after spending two years working for attorneys who specialized in it. She misspoke, and I, in all of my thoughtlessness, decided, for the sake of all who were in the meeting, to clarify for her.

Calm Your Nerves and Fears When Public Speaking: Use Visualization to Your Advantage
From Sam’s reaction, you would have thought we found a 12-foot alligator in the pool. It was just a harmless baby black snake.

Want to improve your public speaking? Ditch the slides, or at least…
I first heard the phrase ‘death by PowerPoint” many moons ago when my oldest son, Peter, was in college. Apparently, it was the fallback method of instruction for some of his professors.

ChatGPT Issues Superintelligence Warning
In Part 3, based on my “conversation” with ChatGPT, you’ll read what Chat and researchers say about superintelligence. Scary?

Bias: A Very Real Issue with AI
Last week I shared a real conversation with the artificial intelligence app ChatGPT. Seems like an oxymoron - real and AI. Here's the link. I think you’ll find it amusing, informative, and concerning.

An Interview with Chat GPT
There’s been a lot of buzz ever since ChatGPT arrived on the scene. As a writer, I wanted to go straight to the source, so I recently interviewed ChatGPT. While I found him to be a little conflicted, he readily answered all of my questions. You'll find the interview amusing, informative and concerning.

Why don't you have a written vision? Seven simple steps to writing one
“Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.” (Bill Hybels) A written vision is not just for business owners; it is an empowering way for YOU to take advantage of each day’s 86,400 seconds.

Build a journaling habit and create a rich repository: 9 practical tips
Word meanings and etymologies fascinate me. Not to the extent of a Scripps National Spelling Bee champion, but more than for most people. One word I attach to journaling is “repository.” In classical Latin, a repository is “a stand on which food is placed.” My journals are food.