Here's why thoughtful trade-offs and scaling back beats ducks and balance

Reading time 3-minutes

By Mary Boza Crimmins

There's a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where the village idiots have "captured" a witch. The logic used to determine if the woman was indeed a witch was as follows. 

Witches burn. 

Therefore, witches are made of wood. 

Wood floats. 

Ducks float. 

Hence, the woman accused of being a witch will weigh the same as a duck. The woman and duck are placed on a scale that indicates they weigh the same. Now the villagers have irrefutable proof that the woman is a witch. How did the woman weigh the same as a duck? Let's not overthink this. It is Monty Python, after all. Obviously, there was an issue with the scale. 

Our scale issues 

We, too, have scale issues. We’re told we must find balance in our lives. Some pursue it with relentless determination, only to encounter frustration. By its very definition, balance implies equality in the various aspects of our lives and that these aspects are separate. Yet, integral parts can’t be separated. Balance implies that our lives are compartmentalized. Yet, life can't be broken into different compartments because there is only one you. You live only one life. 

A balanced life, one in which both sides of the scale are equal, is a myth. What, then, should we be striving for? We need to strive to protect our priorities, focus and energy. Stop being frustrated with not achieving balance. Life is lived in seasons and moments. We must determine the priorities for those seasons; otherwise, we miss precious moments. What makes up an emotionally, spiritually, and healthy lifestyle changes dramatically in the different phases of our lives. 

Balance is a myth; trade-offs are a reality 

I'm not the first to proclaim balance to be a myth. But you might need this reminder about trade-offs. Living life to its fullest requires identifying AND accepting trade-offs; every choice we make comes with a cost. The cost is the opportunities relinquished because we can’t do or have it all. The trade-off may be reducing the number of speaking engagements to have more family time. It may be putting off plans to work on a graduate degree to focus on your health. Taking a brave stance by saying “no” to one more work “priority” comes with the possible cost of not being considered for a promotion or raise. But keep in mind great leaders respect boundaries.  

Thoughtful priorities mean win-win 

You may be thinking of trade-offs as win-lose. However, intentional trade-offs are a result of thoughtful priorities. It means having a clear vision of what is essential for the season you’re in and then scaling back by planning each day. The results are win-win even when plans are disrupted because it becomes easier to recalibrate. 

As you think about new beginnings as 2023 approaches, I thought you and I might need this reminder. Scaling back leads to peace of mind. Isn’t that what you sought when you said you wanted a balanced life? 

Next in the 2023 Healthy Reminders Collection

  • Journaling 

  • Writing Your Vision 

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